Sunday 6 April 2008

Day 08, Mon 4 Feb 2008

Not much work for the last few days by the crane. We have had high winds and lots of rain and it has been too dangerous. So a bit of a progress report.
The trees at the top of the cliff have now gone, the main trunks cut up and lie in several piles a little way down the road and the smaller branches have been shredded and gone, driven away in surprisingly small trucks. The residents of the houses we can now see must have a great view of the Bay and are probably the only people in the country who's property value has gone up this week.
Even though the crane has been under used over the last few days that doesn't mean work has stopped completely. Several of the smaller trees lower down the cliff and the bushes that surrounded them have been cleared away and parts of the walk way have become visible for the first time in many years.
That is a steep cliff and safety lines are in use while clearing the scrub on the lower area of the cliff. Looks like bloody hard work. Not as glamerous as the guy driving the crane or the man up the tree catching the hook but all part of the big picture.

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Notes about the blog. Updated 08 March 2008

Not much is happening at Rock Work now. All the work clearing the trees has been done. A barrier has been erected to prevent rock falls from reaching the road. Now we wait for the geological survey in May to see what can be done to fix the rocks in place.
After that when work starts again later in the year I will post more photos.
Any news items I come across I will post as they appear in the local paper.

Or you can work through the whole blog to find more detail.

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Each day has the label "Day", click on it and you will miss out the other posts.

Articles from the Herald Express are labelled Herald Express.

And so on.

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